PPE Management

PPE Request(s) Search

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  1. Go to Main Menu | PPE | PPE Request(s) Search with any system user.
  2. Select Search criteria such as Timeline, Country, Location, Request by, Status as per requirement
  3. Click “Search” button to Populate PPE details in Tabular format.
  4. Click “Reset” button to Clear all the selection criteria and refresh report screen.
  5. Click “Export to Excel” button on top right corner of the screen to export the report to excel spread sheet.
  6. Click “Export to PDF” button on top right corner of the screen to export the report to PDF file.
  7. Click report No, Country, Location, Request by, Approved by, Issue date, Item Name, Item Category, Item size sub type in ascending/ descending order.
  8. Click “Eye icon” in View column to open specific report in view mode.
  9. Click “Pdf icon” in report column to download specific report in pdf format.