PPE Management

PPE review by Location HSE Supervisor

Image 1

  1. Log in as Location HSE Supervisor user role and go to PPE | PPE Issue (Image 1).
  2. Click on edit button to take an action from Column, PPE request report will open in different tab as (Image 2).
  3. Image 2

  4. To take an action for a specific reported PPE Item, reviewer user selects an appropriate Action from the drop down list as mentioned below:
    • Reviewed & Approved: If requested PPE Item is valid, then the reviewer can approve the reported PPE request by taking this action and it shall be assigned to the Location HSE Operator role user.
    • Rejected: To Reject the PPE request, If the Location HSE Supervisor finds the reported PPE as invalid/false/duplicate/no longer need etc. As it does not match any data against the selected Location in the PPE request report. No further action can be taken on rejected reports. In this case, it is mandatory to enter comment. Such Discard reports shall be archived and made available to view from the Search page.
  5. Click on “Submit” button to submit the PPE report and move to review as per workflow and Status will be change as Approved.