Incident(Flash Report)

Request Flash Report

Objective : It allows registered user to record Incident reported at location level within plant using the GKPI HSE Management System.

  1. Report Flash:
    1. To report and record new Flash(Incident) report. This shall be done and reported by Location HSE Supervisor,Location HSE Engineer and Location Security manager.
    2. Location HSE Supervisor and Location HSE Engineer able to report flash related to HSE.
    3. Location Security Manager able to report flash related to Security.
  2. Review Flash report by FHSEM: If report is related to HSE then it will go review for Field HSE manager (FHSEM) otherwise it will directly go for review to Location Person Incharge.
  3. Review Flash report by Location person In-Charge: Location Person incharge will review Flash report related to HSE and Security both.
  4. Review Flash report by DHSEM/ Transport & Security Manager :
    1. If report is related to HSE, It will go for review to Deputy HSE Manager(DHSEM).
    2. If report is related to Security, It will go for review to Transport & Security Manager.
  5. Review Flash report by HSSEM: Head Sustainability and HSE Manager will review flash report for HSE and Security both.
  6. Review Flash report by Location person In-Charge & Define HIPO: Location Person Incharge will identify HIPO.
    1. If Location Person Incharge identify, Flash report is related to HIPO(Level 2 & Level 3) then it will go for Approval to Country Manager.
    2. If Location Person Incharge identify, Flash report is not related to HIPO then Identify Investigation team and it will go to Investigation team for Investigation.
  7. Identify HIPO and Investigation Team by Country Manager: Country Manager will review flash report and identify investigation team and Designated review team for Flash report.
  8. Flash Report Investigation: Investigation will be conducted by any user who is selected as investigation Team member.
  9. Review Investigation by designated team:
    1. If Report is Level 2 HIPO then it will go to each member of designated team for review.
    2. If report is Level 3 HIPO then it will go to HSSEM, Country Manager and COO for review, after of all of three person review report will to forward.
  10. Approve Investigation by Country Manager/ HHSE&S/ DHSEM :
    1. If Flash related to HSE then its Investigation report go to Country Manager/ HSSEM/DHSEM for review.
    2. If Flash related to Security then its Investigation report go to Transport and Security Manager/Country Manager for review